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HomeLifestyleHow to stay in shape and be happy during these pandemic times

How to stay in shape and be happy during these pandemic times

It takes a lot of time to adapt to a new way of doing things and be happy, especially during the onset of the pandemic. A lot of things have changed. All of a sudden, that fun in the park dream is slowly fading. And no matter how hard you try to live that life again, it just seems fair enough to book this in as a tale. But, like shadowed bloom, there is hope that light will shine again. The fire that ignites hope starts from within. If you are happy and maintain positive vibes, then everything around you. And the vehicle that will get you to that podium and make sure that dream comes true is your body. As long as you stay safe, in shape and happy during these dark pandemic times, you will not need step guides to help you process adjusting back to normal daily life as we know it. Now that we are used to wearing face masks and sanitising our hands. If we maintain a healthy meal, regular exercises, and work on our goals, rituals defaulted like prevention measures. In this post, we share how to stay in shape and be happy during these pandemic times.

First things first 

It is difficult to find anything missing if we do not account for what we have. Since we are talking about our bodies and happiness, we must bring the magnifying glass closer to knowing ourselves. So knowing yourself what you love and hate allows you to notice alienated inputs affecting your perception, happiness, and health, among other sectors.

Observe your eating habits.

Is your heavy eating necessitated by stress or boredom, or you’re skipping meals because you have been recently smoking and drinking a lot! It is wiser to have a notepad in the kitchen that when you feel like taking a bite of some cake, sweet treats, or cuisine, you write what you’re eating and the time. It is much easier to spot inconsistencies in your eating habits and focus your attention on healthy eating habits.

Set your Goals clear!

Have you lost or gained a bit more weight ever since you last checked on your weighing scale. Sometimes we may miss the few belt buttons that we are now skipping, and people we see daily cannot tell these changes. The best way to stay in shape is to know what average weight you are most comfortable with and then set your eating habits to match your goal. Be it gaining weight or shaving a few extra kilos.

Snacks are okay. 

If you have kids at home or are one of those Money Heist followers who would rather binge-watch the whole series again in one go, then you need some snacks to bite on for some energy boost while on your all-night rampage. You can keep snacks like dry fruits, fresh fruits, cakes, chocolates, sweets, and some crunchy nuts, on the side for anyone to quench their sweet cravings. This healthy eating delicious food in a comfortable environment releases the “feel-good hormones” that will strengthen your bond. So, a heart-shaped luscious red velvet cake engraved in the finger-licking chocolate glaze just there on the countertop. You can do more than the reach of a cake with online cake delivery in Chandigarh and many other cities in the comfort of your home.

Plan your shopping list.

When you circle a particular row in the grocery store and just question yourself why you didn’t recognise when you were about to cook, it was ingredient for that cuisine that you wanted to make. And often, you will have to travel back to the store for just one item. It will be a wise decision to keep track of your groceries and make a shopping list. It will ensure that you do not spoil the good times. With online stores, you can also keep your money in your wallet so that you can still make the best impressions on special occasions without worrying about your current wallet status.

Plan for playtime every day.

While the young kids are playful and vibrant when they are mingling with kids their size, now that we live in a socially distant world and no one has enough freedom to interact with others but those you stay with. It also creates a truce time for the sibling rivals and those other family politics and resolves any such issues. So you need to have an hour or two reserved each day or weekly to engage in a particular activity. It relieves the stress and burden that you are carrying.

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